Thursday, May 27, 2010

Book Review: The Friday Night Knitting Club: Kate Jacobs

When I first saw The Friday Night Knitting Club on the shelf I was both repelled and inticed; knitting is not something I was oridinarily into. None the less I picked it up and as it sat on my nightstand, while I read Designer Genes, I'll admit to being excited about reading it next.

The back story

The story centres around Georgia Walker, her daughter Dakota, their small Yarn Shop and the myrad of customers there. The book continually surprised me with twists and turns that I definitely wasn't expecting. I missed out slighting, not being a knitter, on what I'm sure where lovely imagines of the various patterns and yarns and wools there were described, but I loved it all the same.So much so that a few chapters in I had a huge urge to knit! [Am off to discuss lessons with my mother shortly - knitter extradinaire!]

The Friday Night Knitting Club is just a lovely, lovely read!

Ms. Jacobs created some lovely family and friendship moments and her characters are very real, so much so that I didn't warm to one or two and while they annoyed me, it made the book all the better.

I definitely laughed and cried during this one. It is just a lovely, lovely read. For me I would categorise it in the long [or continuous] journey; bus, train, plane area as the best place to read it!

Well worth reading (almost) 9/10 [Isn't anything that's appeared on the New York Best Sellers List?]

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